Release 2.0.4 - 02.01.2007
Type | Changes | By |
| There is new type of rule called 'Retention Rule'. Retention rules can be used to maintain multiple versions of the same artifact in a project at the same time. 'Retained' versions added to the project will not be changed when applying the rules. In other words, 'conflict resolution' is done by embracing all versions encountered rather than choosing one out of multiple candidates. Obviously, this odd procedure is only useful in very rare circumstances. |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the component category serialization as virtual repository group. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 2.0.3 - 27.11.2006
Type | Changes | By |
| 'Used by' nodes now also show usages where there is no exact version match after applying the rules. Both 'Used by' and 'Dependency' nodes now show literal version numbers in parentheses if they were overridden by applying the rules. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the component category transformation as virtual repository group. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 2.0.2 - 05.04.2006
Type | Changes | By |
| Added the component category xpres as virtual repository group. Thanks to Stefan Hiller . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 2.0.1 - 12.03.2006
Type | Changes | By |
| Most tree nodes are no longer displayed as being expandable if they don't have children. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 2.0.0 - 05.02.2006
Type | Changes | By |
| Added the possibility to add enforcement rules to the rule set of the current project for all the dependencies of any (other, related) project. These additional enforcement rules are called 'derived rules' because they are derived from the dependencies of that other project. To actually derive, i. e. add them to your project, choose the menu item 'Edit/Derive Enforcements from a Project...'. Select the related project to derive them from in the file chooser popping up. After creating them, such derived enforcement rules are depicted with a leading forward slash in the list of all rules to visually distinguish them from non-derived ones. Upon re-deriving them, they will be deleted and replaced by the newly derived ones. Derived rules can also be deleted manually in a convenient way by executing the new action 'Delete Derived Rules'. The envisaged use case behind this new feature is a project for which it must be ensured that it uses exactly the same versions of any dependency it shares with some related 'master' project. The suggested way to guarantee this constraint, is to first define the dependencies in that master project, and then derive additional enforcement rules in the dependant project by using the new facility. Thanks to Carsten Arndt . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.9.1 - 16.10.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Reduced the start-up and refresh time of Deputy by better caching. Thanks to Carsten Arndt . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.9.0 - 28.08.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added a new default rule called 'PRESENT RELEASE'. This rule is particularly useful if you want to minimize the number of changes that occur when applying the rules. Whenever a default choice must be performed, it will be the version that existed in the POM just before applying the rules. If the artifact was not present in the POM so far or if it was a SNAPSHOT the latest release will be chosen as default. Thanks to Stefan Welke and Adrian Peivareh . |
Matthias Burbach
| Increased uniformity of items available on popup menus depending on the type of the select node(s). |
Matthias Burbach
| A message box pops up if the user wants to open the site of a dependency but no URL is available on the selected node. |
Matthias Burbach
| Added virtual folder 'adapter' for a special repository. Thanks to Klaus Oppermann . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.8.1 - 27.08.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.7.0 which caused the changes in the indirect dependencies of an assembly not to be printed to the log panel. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.8.0 - 20.08.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added a new default rule called 'LATEST RELEA SE (no scan)'. It works exactly like 'LATEST RELEASE' except that no repository is scanned for later releases even if the repository is configured to be scannable. Instead, latest releases are only searched for within the dependency graph being traversed. Thanks to Stefan Welke . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the possibility to select multiple dependencies and create SNAPSHOT enforcement rules for all of them at once. |
Matthias Burbach
| Deputy is now Perforce aware (but not Perforce dependent!). If a project to be saved is under Perforce control and not yet opened for edit, Deputy opens it for edit if the user agrees. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| If the algorithm computing the topological order of SNAPSHOT artifacts detects one or more dependency cycles, the cycles will now be logged to the console. All SNAPSHOTs not affected by the cycles will be logged in topological order. |
Matthias Burbach
| Improved the algorithm computing the topological order of SNAPSHOT artifacts by ignoring versions when ordering. |
Matthias Burbach
| The batch mode will now print the project's group id, artifact id and version to the diff file (in addition to the file path). If the file is under Perforce control, the revision number of the project file will also be written to the diff file. Thanks to Horst Burbließ . |
Matthias Burbach
| The file filters for exporting a POM as 'Deputy XML' or 'GraphML' now show the directories. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.7.0 - 10.08.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added a batch mode to execute Deputy on a POM without the GUI. See JavaDoc of method main in class de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.Deputy for details. |
Matthias Burbach
| File output streams will now be properly closed after write operations to XML files. Thanks to Jochen Diekenbrock . |
Matthias Burbach
| Fixed a bug that prevented the preservation of the type property of an artifact when changing its version by adding it as a new version from the repository panel to the project panel. The type property got only lost when not applying the rules afterwards. Thanks to Habbo Wilken . |
Matthias Burbach
| Fixed a bug that prevented an update of the title bar when saving a file using 'Save as...'. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.6.0 - 05.06.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added a new dependency graph export format called 'GraphML'. See the
GraphML homepagefor a description of the format. The generated .graphml file can be imported into the tool yEd, which is available for free on the
yEd homepage. The tool can produce layouts of graphs automatically. |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the items 'Add Replacement Rule (no version)' and 'Add Removal Rule (no version)' to the popup menus of the direct and indirect dependencies of the currently loaded project. Especially, the latter will help to quickly prune the graph to what one wants to export. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.5.1 - 30.05.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Fixed a bug that lead to an unresolved version conflict if the ambiguous artifact appeared last in the sorted list of dependencies. Thanks to Klaus Oppermann and Andreas Schönknecht . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.5.0 - 29.05.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added the possibility to configure and use a virtual repository on top of the real repositories. A virtual repository is a list of arbitrary paths to any number of POM files in the file system. This is useful if you want to update a POM which has dependencies defined in POMs which are not (yet) released to a repository. For example, you may have a working set of several projects where you checked out and changed the project.xml files. If they have interdependencies and you need to update any of them using Deputy they can be made available to Deputy by putting them into the virtual repository. The virtual repository can be activated and deactivated. By default it is deactivated. It is persisted in the user's home directory under the name deputy-virtual-repository.xml. The internal structure is < poms > < pom path= " some/path1/project.xml " / > ... < pom path= " some/pathN/project.xml " / > < /poms > . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the possibility to load the repository browser without loading a project by pressing F5. Further, it is now possibl e to refresh the repositories browser at any time by pressing F5 to see files that have been added to any of the repositories since Deputy was started. Thanks to Oliver Poppe . |
Matthias Burbach
| Deputy now ignores snapshot timestamp POMs matching the pattern '.*-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d\\.pom' when parsing versions from file names. Note that Deputy normally does not parse versions from file names at all. File name parsing is only used for a very special repository to increase performance. Thanks to Horst Burbließ . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the possibility to apply the operations 'Add Dependency', 'Remove Dependency', 'Add Enforcement Rule', 'Add Deprecation Rule' and 'Add Removal Rule' on multiple nodes selected in the direct or indirect dependencies sections at the same time. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| Changed the way Roco generates UML classes from a dependency graph export: The stereotype 'Component' will no longer be generated. The URL is now correctly generated. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.4.0 - 16.05.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Improved performance of loading the repositories browser tree. Thanks to Gunnar Lieder . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added a new type of rule called 'Removal Rule'. A removal rule can be defined for an artifact or a version of an artifact. Deputy will remove a dependency from the dependency graph if it matches any of the removal rules. This feature allows to remove dependency sub graphs that are not required in an assembly. Thanks to Andreas Schönknecht . |
Matthias Burbach
| Fixed a bug which prevented versions of artifacts to be listed in the repositories browser tree if the artifactId was written in mixed or upper case notation. Thanks to Andreas Schönknecht . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K and a corresponding Edit menu item to remove all SNAPSHOT enforcement rules at once. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-T and a corresponding File menu item to sort all SNAPSHOTs topologically. The sorted list is printed to the log and can be used to determine a feasible order of releasing, for example. |
Matthias Burbach
| The Deputy generator comment in project.xml files now also mentions the version of Deputy that was used. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.3.1 - 07.05.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added documentation on the Rational Rose add-in Roco. |
Matthias Burbach
| Completed the installation resources for the Rational Rose add-in Roco in the binary distribution. |
Matthias Burbach
| A blank as separator of version parts is now also supported. |
Matthias Burbach
| The optional 'jar' element that may occur as child element of a dependency element in a POM is now preserved when re-generating the POM's dependencies. |
Matthias Burbach
| The popup menu operation 'Open Site' now uses the contents of the POM property 'url' rather than that of 'siteDirectory' to open a project's homepage. The POM property 'url' will also be utilized for this feature if it occurs in any of the dependency elements pointing to that project. |
Matthias Burbach
| Added the Deputy homepage and the Deputy release notes link to the help menu. |
Matthias Burbach
| Removed the Java Help based help contents from the help menu. Help contents and more is now available through the link to the Deputy homepage. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.3.0 - 04.05.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Updated documentation on recursion, rules and limitations. |
Matthias Burbach
| It is no longer possible to define a replacement rule and leave the version replacing the original one unspecified. This ensures that replacements cannot produce invalid dependencies to non-existing project versions. |
Matthias Burbach
| The default version to be chosen (when there is no enforcement rule) will now never be lower than the minimum of all versions required by any of the non-top-level dependees. |
Matthias Burbach
| Generalized the recursion algorithm so that versions of type < targetVersion > -SNAPSHOT can now also be handled properly by both default strategies ('LATEST RELEASE' and 'SNAPSHOT'). |
Matthias Burbach
| When scanning a repository group directory for all available versions of an artifact Deputy now inspects the artifactId and the currentVersion elements of the POM files rather than parsing the file names. This way, versions containing a '-' can now be detected correctly. |
Matthias Burbach
| The application window doesn't close anymore now when the user cancels the exit operation. Thanks to Brett Porter . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.2.3 - 28.04.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Added documentation on limitations and installation and a screenshot. |
Matthias Burbach
| Group directories of repositories in the repositories browser are now sorted alphabetically. |
Matthias Burbach
| Added documentation on limitations and installation and a screenshot. |
Matthias Burbach
| Converted Deputy to a Maven project itself. Documentation and release notes are now also available on the Maven generated site of Deputy. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.2.2 - 16.04.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| The operation 'Add Dependency' now also permits to change the version of an already existing dependency. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| It is now possible to remove several rules at once using the popup menu operation 'Remove'. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| It is now possible to remove several top level dependencies at once using the popup menu operation 'Remove'. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| Deputy now warns if the user wants to save the project after having changed the rules without having applied them afterwards. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.2.1 - 13.04.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Bug fixed the replacement rule logic in the core algorithm. Thanks to Guido Grüning . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.2.0 - 10.04.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Foreign dependency properties which are not controlled by Deputy are now preserved as long as the dependency to that artifact is not removed from the project. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| Versions of artifacts are now sorted with improved logic. For example, version 1.0 is now recognized to be more recent than Equally, the versions 1.2.1, 1.2.patch, 1.2 are sorted descendingly like this. Thanks to Mario Schomburg and Lars Wunderlich . |
Matthias Burbach
| The operation 'Find In Repositories' now scrolls the found artifact into the visible area of the repositori es panel. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach
| The lists of artifact nodes under the group nodes of the repositories are now ordered alphabetically. Thanks to Carsten Arndt . |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.1.0 - 03.04.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| It is now possible to add and remove direct dependencies to a project. |
Matthias Burbach
| The virtual subfolders of the repository group 'vrp' are now always sorted to the top of the list. |
Matthias Burbach
| A missing group id now automatically defaults to 'vrp' if the artifactId starts with 'vrp-'. |
Matthias Burbach
| The log panel is now only automatically cleared when opening a project file. |
Matthias Burbach
| The log panel can now also be cleared manually by using its popup menu. |
Matthias Burbach
| Adding and removing of dependencies and rules is now logged to the log panel. |
Matthias Burbach
| Window position and size as well as the slider positions are now saved on exit and restored on start of the application. |
Matthias Burbach
| The version 'OPENEDITION' is no longer listed in the repositories tree for any artifact because it should not be used anymore. |
Matthias Burbach
| The dialog to edit the repositories to be used has been extended. It is now also possible to configure the display name and the property 'Scannable' per repository. |
Matthias Burbach
| The help now contains a new chapter on the subject of rules and a chapter on version conflicts. |
Matthias Burbach
Release 1.0.3 - 28.03.2005
Type | Changes | By |
| Indirect dependencies are now only shown in the tree if the project is an assembly. |
Matthias Burbach
| For better readability, the sequence of indirect dependencies is now preceded by a comment in the project.xml. |
Matthias Burbach
| When opening an assembly which does not have indirect dependencies defined in the project.xml yet, they will no longer be automatically computed on open but only when the user applies the rules. |
Matthias Burbach
| 'Save as...' is now enabled whenever there is an opened project. Thanks to Jochen Diekenbrock . |
Matthias Burbach
| 'Apply Rules' now logs a diff report showing which versions of which dependencies have been changed, which dependencies have been added and which dependencies have been removed. If the project is an assembly, the same diff report is also logged for the indirect dependencies. Thanks to Mario Schomburg . |
Matthias Burbach