Package de.matthias_burbach.deputy.swing

Class Summary
BaseMutableTreeNode Is a base class for tree nodes which need to initialize child nodes explicitly and lazily.
ConflictsTreeNode Displays all version conflicts as sub nodes.
ConflictTreeNode Displays one of the version conflicts of a project as a group of projects where all have the same group id and the same artifact id but different versions.
DependenciesTreeNode Is a dependencies node in the project tree.
DeprecationRuleTreeNode Displays a deprecation rule.
DeputyFrame Is the main GUI class of Deputy.
DeputyLogPanel Displays log messages to the user.
DeputyMenuBar Is the Deputy menu bar.
DeputyTree Is used as the project tree, the repositories tree, and the second repositories tree that pops up in a modal dialog to choose the replacement project for a replacement rule.
DeputyTreeCellRenderer The tree cell renderer responsible for displaying tree node specific icons in both the project and the repositories tree.
RepositoryConfigsEditor Is a modal dialog to edit the configuration of the repositories to be displayed and scanned by Deputy.
RuleTreeNode Is the base class of all rule tree nodes.
WaitDialog Is a 'Please wait...' dialog displaying an animated gif which mimics a simple progress bar.

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