Class ConflictTreeNode

  extended byjavax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
      extended byde.matthias_burbach.deputy.swing.BaseMutableTreeNode
          extended byde.matthias_burbach.deputy.swing.ConflictTreeNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode,, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode

public class ConflictTreeNode
extends BaseMutableTreeNode

Displays one of the version conflicts of a project as a group of projects where all have the same group id and the same artifact id but different versions.

  *** - myartifactid1 ***
         +  myartifactid1-version1
         +  myartifactid1-version2
      - myartifactid2
         +  myartifactid2-version1
         +  myartifactid2-version2

Matthias Burbach
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
allowsChildren, children, EMPTY_ENUMERATION, parent, userObject
Constructor Summary
ConflictTreeNode(ProjectConflictGroup conflictGroup, javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel treeModel)
          Constructs a node.
Method Summary
 ProjectConflictGroup getConflictGroup()
protected  void initChildren()
          Initializes the children nodes of this node.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class de.matthias_burbach.deputy.swing.BaseMutableTreeNode
childrenAreInitialized, getChildCount, getSuffix, isLeaf
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
add, breadthFirstEnumeration, children, clone, depthFirstEnumeration, getAllowsChildren, getChildAfter, getChildAt, getChildBefore, getDepth, getFirstChild, getFirstLeaf, getIndex, getLastChild, getLastLeaf, getLeafCount, getLevel, getNextLeaf, getNextNode, getNextSibling, getParent, getPath, getPathToRoot, getPreviousLeaf, getPreviousNode, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getSharedAncestor, getSiblingCount, getUserObject, getUserObjectPath, insert, isNodeAncestor, isNodeChild, isNodeDescendant, isNodeRelated, isNodeSibling, isRoot, pathFromAncestorEnumeration, postorderEnumeration, preorderEnumeration, remove, remove, removeAllChildren, removeFromParent, setAllowsChildren, setParent, setUserObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConflictTreeNode(ProjectConflictGroup conflictGroup,
                        javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel treeModel)
Constructs a node.

conflictGroup - The group of projects which all have the same group id and the same artifact id but which represent different versions.
treeModel - The model of the tree this node is part of.
Method Detail


public ProjectConflictGroup getConflictGroup()
The conflict group displayed by this node.


protected void initChildren()
Initializes the children nodes of this node.

Specified by:
initChildren in class BaseMutableTreeNode


public java.lang.String toString()

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