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1   package de.matthias_burbach.deputy.swing;
3   import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
5   import de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.project.ProjectQualifier;
7   /***
8    * Is a base class for tree nodes which need to initialize child nodes
9    * explicitly and lazily.
10   *
11   * @author Matthias Burbach
12   */
13  public abstract class BaseMutableTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
14      /***
15       * Whether children have already been initialized.
16       */
17      private boolean childrenAreInitialized = false;
19      /***
20       * Initializes the children nodes of this node.
21       */
22      protected abstract void initChildren();
24      /*(non-Javadoc)
25       * @see javax.swing.tree.TreeNode#getChildCount()
26       */
27      /***
28       * {@inheritDoc}
29       */
30      public int getChildCount() {
31          if (!childrenAreInitialized) {
32              childrenAreInitialized = true;
33              initChildren();
34          }
35          return super.getChildCount();
36      }
38      /*(non-Javadoc)
39       * @see javax.swing.tree.TreeNode#isLeaf()
40       */
41      /***
42       * {@inheritDoc}
43       */
44      public boolean isLeaf() {
45          return getChildCount() <= 0;
46      }
48      /***
49       * @return Whether children have already been initialized.
50       */
51      protected boolean childrenAreInitialized() {
52          return childrenAreInitialized;
53      }
55      /***
56       * Helper method to format the suffix to certain project names.
57       *
58       * @param cause The qualifier of the project that has caused a relationship.
59       * @return The suffix to be appended to the project name in the tree node.
60       */
61      protected String getSuffix(final ProjectQualifier cause) {
62          String result = null;
63          if (cause != null) {
64              result = " (" + cause.getVersion() + ")";
65          }
66          return result;
67      }
68  }