View Javadoc

1   package de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core;
3   import java.awt.Font;
4   import java.awt.FontMetrics;
5   import java.util.Iterator;
7   import javax.swing.JLabel;
9   import org.jdom.Document;
10  import org.jdom.Element;
11  import org.jdom.Namespace;
12  import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;
14  import de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.project.Project;
16  /***
17   * Exports the dependency graph of the project being loaded into Deputy in the
18   * GraphML format that can be imported into the yEd Graph Editor which is
19   * available for free from
20   *
21   * @author Matthias Burbach
22   */
23  public class DependencyGraphMLGenerator
24      extends AbstractDependencyGraphGenerator {
26      /*
27       * (non-Javadoc)
28       * @see de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.AbstractDependencyGraphGenerator
29       *          #getTemplateFileName()
30       */
31      /***
32       * {@inheritDoc}
33       */
34      protected String getTemplateFileName() {
35          return "dependency-graph-ml-template.xml";
36      }
38      /*
39       * (non-Javadoc)
40       * @see de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.AbstractDependencyGraphGenerator
41       *          #generateProjectElements(
42       *              de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.project.Project,
43       *              org.jdom.Document)
44       */
45      /***
46       * {@inheritDoc}
47       */
48      protected void generateProjectElements(
49              final Project topProject,
50              final Document document)
51              throws Exception {
52          Element graphElement =
53              (Element) XPath.newInstance(
54                  "graphml/graph").selectSingleNode(
55                  document);
56          Iterator iter = getNodeIterator(topProject);
57          while (iter.hasNext()) {
58              Project project = (Project);
59              String labelText =
60                  project.getArtifactId() + "-" + project.getVersion();
62              /*
63               * Create node element
64               */
65              Element nodeElement = new Element("node");
66              nodeElement.setAttribute(
67                  "id",
68                  getProjectHashKey(
69                      project.getArtifactId(),
70                      project.getVersion()));
72              /*
73               * Create data element
74               */
75              Element dataElement = new Element("data");
76              dataElement.setAttribute("key", "d0");
78              Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(
79                      "y", "");
81              /*
82               * Create shape node element
83               */
84              Element shapeNodeElement = new Element("ShapeNode");
85              shapeNodeElement.setNamespace(ns);
86              /*
87               * Create geometry element
88               */
89              Element geometryElement = new Element("Geometry");
90              geometryElement.setNamespace(ns);
91              geometryElement.setAttribute("x", "10.0");
92              geometryElement.setAttribute("y", "10.0");
94              final int fontSize = 12;
95              final String fontFamily = "Dialog";
96              Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
97              FontMetrics fontMetrics = new JLabel().getFontMetrics(font);
98              final int margin = 4;
99              int width = fontMetrics.stringWidth(labelText) + margin;
100             int height = fontMetrics.getHeight() + 2;
101             geometryElement.setAttribute("width", width + ".0");
102             geometryElement.setAttribute("height", height + ".0");
104             /*
105              * Create fill element
106              */
107             Element fillElement = new Element("Fill");
108             fillElement.setNamespace(ns);
109             fillElement.setAttribute("color", "#CCCCFF");
110             fillElement.setAttribute("transparent", "false");
112             /*
113              * Create border style element
114              */
115             Element borderStyleElement = new Element("BorderStyle");
116             borderStyleElement.setNamespace(ns);
117             borderStyleElement.setAttribute("type", "line");
118             borderStyleElement.setAttribute("width", "1.0");
119             borderStyleElement.setAttribute("color", "#000000");
121             /*
122              * Create node label element
123              */
124             Element nodeLabelElement = new Element("NodeLabel");
125             nodeLabelElement.setNamespace(ns);
126             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("visible", "true");
127             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("alignment", "center");
128             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("fontFamily", fontFamily);
129             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("fontSize", fontSize + "");
130             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("fontFamily", fontFamily);
131             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("fontStyle", "plain");
132             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("textColor", "#000000");
133             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("modelName", "internal");
134             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("modelPosition", "c");
135             nodeLabelElement.setAttribute("autoSizePolicy", "content");
136             nodeLabelElement.setText(labelText);
138             /*
139              * Create shape element
140              */
141             Element shapeElement = new Element("Shape");
142             shapeElement.setNamespace(ns);
143             shapeElement.setAttribute("type", "rectangle");
145             /*
146              * Nest elements
147              */
148             shapeNodeElement.addContent(geometryElement);
149             shapeNodeElement.addContent(fillElement);
150             shapeNodeElement.addContent(borderStyleElement);
151             shapeNodeElement.addContent(nodeLabelElement);
152             shapeNodeElement.addContent(shapeElement);
153             dataElement.addContent(shapeNodeElement);
154             nodeElement.addContent(dataElement);
155             graphElement.addContent(nodeElement);
156         }
157     }
159     /*
160      * (non-Javadoc)
161      * @see de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.AbstractDependencyGraphGenerator
162      *          #generateDependencyElements(
163      *              de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.project.Project,
164      *              org.jdom.Document)
165      */
166     /***
167      * {@inheritDoc}
168      */
169     protected void generateDependencyElements(
170             final Project topProject,
171             final Document document)
172             throws Exception {
173         Element graphElement =
174             (Element) XPath.newInstance(
175                 "graphml/graph").selectSingleNode(
176                 document);
177         Iterator iter = getNodeIterator(topProject);
178         while (iter.hasNext()) {
179             Project project = (Project);
180             Iterator iterator = project.getDependencies();
181             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
182                 Project dependencyProject = (Project);
183                 /*
184                  * Create edge element
185                  */
186                 Element edgeElement = new Element("edge");
187                 String source =
188                     getProjectHashKey(
189                         project.getArtifactId(),
190                         project.getVersion());
191                 String target =
192                     getProjectHashKey(
193                         dependencyProject.getArtifactId(),
194                         dependencyProject.getVersion());
195                 edgeElement.setAttribute("source", source);
196                 edgeElement.setAttribute("target", target);
198                 /*
199                  * Create data element
200                  */
201                 Element dataElement = new Element("data");
202                 dataElement.setAttribute("key", "d1");
204                 Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(
205                         "y", "");
207                 /*
208                  * Create poly line edge element
209                  */
210                 Element polyLineEdgeElement = new Element("PolyLineEdge");
211                 polyLineEdgeElement.setNamespace(ns);
213                 /*
214                  * Create line style element
215                  */
216                 Element lineStyleElement = new Element("LineStyle");
217                 lineStyleElement.setNamespace(ns);
218                 lineStyleElement.setAttribute("type", "line");
219                 lineStyleElement.setAttribute("width", "1.0");
220                 lineStyleElement.setAttribute("color", "#000000");
222                 /*
223                  * create arrows element
224                  */
225                 Element arrowsElement = new Element("Arrows");
226                 arrowsElement.setNamespace(ns);
227                 arrowsElement.setAttribute("source", "none");
228                 arrowsElement.setAttribute("target", "standard");
230                 /*
231                  * Create bend style element
232                  */
233                 Element bendStyleElement = new Element("BendStyle");
234                 bendStyleElement.setNamespace(ns);
235                 bendStyleElement.setAttribute("smoothed", "false");
237                 /*
238                  * Nest elements
239                  */
240                 polyLineEdgeElement.addContent(lineStyleElement);
241                 polyLineEdgeElement.addContent(arrowsElement);
242                 polyLineEdgeElement.addContent(bendStyleElement);
243                 dataElement.addContent(polyLineEdgeElement);
244                 edgeElement.addContent(dataElement);
245                 graphElement.addContent(edgeElement);
246             }
247         }
248     }
249 }