Package de.matthias_burbach.deputy.core.repository

Class Summary
ArtifactScanner Scans a given path and group id for all POMs of this group and returns all artifact ids of that group available there.
PomLoader Allows centralization of POM document loading and building in order to cache most effectively because loading and building many POMs is performance critical.
Repository Is a repository node in the repositories tree.
RepositoryArtifact Is an artifact node in the repositories tree.
RepositoryArtifactVersion Is a version node in the repositories tree.
RepositoryConfig Holds configuration about a Maven repository to be used by Deputy.
RepositoryGroup Is a group node in the repositories tree.
RepositorySet The root node of the repositories tree.
VersionScanner Scans a given path and artifact id for all POMs of this artifact and returns all versions of that artifact available there.

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